Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Air Force and Deadlifts


a) 315/335/355/365/375

"Air Force WOD"
20 Thruster
20 Push Jerk
20 OH Squat
20 Front Squat


Yesterday was an awesome day of workouts. "AFW" was a lot of fun. I'm excited to revisit that one down the road. As always the OHS sunk me pretty bad. Everything else was fun. The burpees definitely upped the ante.

Deadlift was great today! At sectionals I pr'd my 5RM at #370 and I was freakin siked out my brain because of that. I was sure it was because of the crowd also but low and behold I revisited my 5RM Deadlift and I pr'd it again @ #375! This was in a globo gym, steal plates, james taylor music in the background and treadmills right behind me. (Just trying to set the mood. Yes!

I'm sore today but I'm ready to do some strength training up north with my friend Jesse Ward of Lynnwood CrossFit.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. Whew! Just reading what you pulled wore me out! That's awesome Coach! Great job!
